SRR 86 The Covenant of Works & New Covenant Theology, Part II

Carlos and Tim build a positive case for the Covenant of Works, discuss the relationship between Biblical and Systematic Theology, and throw down the gauntlet to New Covenant Theology proponents by proving it with a simple Bible phrase.

References (Recommended ones noted with a '+')

 +The Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant Theology: A Comparison Between Seventeenth-Century Particular Baptist and Paedobaptist Federalism [Revised Edition] by Pascal Denault,

+Hodge's Commentary on Romans 5,

+Richard Barcellos,

+Grace Family Baptist Church's Sermon Series, "Covenant, Law, and Sabbath,"



-The Letter To The Romans by William Barclay,


-Gentry & Wellum,

+Walter J. Chantry,,-the--(works-&-grace

+Francis Turretin, Institutes of Elenctic Theology, ed. James T. Dennison Jr., trans. George Musgrave Giger, vol. 1 (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 1992–97), 575–76 (8.3.6–8),


+"One consequence of this denial of the covenant of works is that if Adam was not a party to the covenant of works, as these men assert, then neither was Christ, the Second and Last Adam. Therefore, Christ could not, did not, and was not supposed to pay the debts of, and earn salvation for, his people. As the Second and Last Adam, Christ did not by his active and passive obedience fulfill the Law of God, pay the debts of his people, and merit their salvation. Thus the denial of the covenant of works is an attack on the justice of God: on the imputation of Adam’s sin to his children, on the active obedience and work of Christ, on the imputation of Christ’s active obedience and righteousness to believers. By denying that Adam and Christ, as federal heads of their respective races, were subject to the covenant of works before the court of God’s justice, not his grace, each Adam being required to fulfill the terms of the covenant, one failing miserably, and the other succeeding perfectly, the Neolegalists put all believers on probation, and make their salvation depend on their own evangelical obedience." (John Robbins,

SRR 85 The Covenant of Works & New Covenant Theology, Part I

Carlos and Tim build a positive case for the Covenant of Works, discuss the relationship between Biblical and Systematic Theology, and throw down the gauntlet to New Covenant Theology proponents by proving it with a simple Bible phrase.

References (Recommended ones noted with a '+')

 +The Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant Theology: A Comparison Between Seventeenth-Century Particular Baptist and Paedobaptist Federalism [Revised Edition] by Pascal Denault,

+Hodge's Commentary on Romans 5,

+Richard Barcellos,

+Grace Family Baptist Church's Sermon Series, "Covenant, Law, and Sabbath,"



-The Letter To The Romans by William Barclay,


-Gentry & Wellum,

+Walter J. Chantry,,-the--(works-&-grace

+Francis Turretin, Institutes of Elenctic Theology, ed. James T. Dennison Jr., trans. George Musgrave Giger, vol. 1 (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 1992–97), 575–76 (8.3.6–8),


+"One consequence of this denial of the covenant of works is that if Adam was not a party to the covenant of works, as these men assert, then neither was Christ, the Second and Last Adam. Therefore, Christ could not, did not, and was not supposed to pay the debts of, and earn salvation for, his people. As the Second and Last Adam, Christ did not by his active and passive obedience fulfill the Law of God, pay the debts of his people, and merit their salvation. Thus the denial of the covenant of works is an attack on the justice of God: on the imputation of Adam’s sin to his children, on the active obedience and work of Christ, on the imputation of Christ’s active obedience and righteousness to believers. By denying that Adam and Christ, as federal heads of their respective races, were subject to the covenant of works before the court of God’s justice, not his grace, each Adam being required to fulfill the terms of the covenant, one failing miserably, and the other succeeding perfectly, the Neolegalists put all believers on probation, and make their salvation depend on their own evangelical obedience." (John Robbins,

TPW 10 What is Secularism? Part 1

On this episode of The Protestant Witness, we look at the issue of "secularism" as a worldview. It is often said that America is such a "secular" nation now. It did not begin this way, but something happened that has spread this worldview far and wide. We are all influenced by it and live in the midst of it. How can Christians meet secularism with the gospel? My hope is that this episode will help address this question. The book referred to is Bruce Shelley's "Church History in Plain Language." The chapter that deals with the Enlightenment and its secularization of so much of the Western world is called "Aiming at the Foundations." Christians need to understand this movement and how much it has affected the world they live in today. 

SRR 84 The Street Preacher

On this episode of Semper Reformanda Radio Tim welcomes Ryan Denton back to the podcast. Please join us as Ryan and Tim talk about street preaching and a biblical defense for the street preacher. 

If you are interested in learning how to do street preaching and are considering full time evangelism then please consider contacting Ryan Denton through his website ( or by emailing him at

SRR 83 Doing The Will of My Father In Heaven And Demonic Faith

Please Join Tim on this weeks episode of Semper Reformanda Radio as he goes over two passages of scripture that are often misunderstood by Protestants. The first is over Matthew 7:21-23 and the second is over James 2:19. 

We encourage our listeners to listen to the the full sermon which Tim critiques in this episode. 
I Never Knew You 

For the full sermon by John Robbins click here  

We also encourage our listener to read the book What Is Saving Faith by Gordon Clark. 

In addition to the book by Gordon Clark we also encourage our listeners to read these related articles on the Trinity Foundation. 
What Is It To Believe On The Lord Jesus Christ 
R. C. Sproul on Saving Faith 

TPW 7 Misusing Reformed Theologians Past and Present in Defense of John Piper's False Gospel

Join Pastor Patrick Hines for this special edition of The Protestant Witness as he addresses the misuse of Reformed Theologians in defense of John Piper’s false gospel.  

Just like the devotees of the Federal Vision errors of yester-year did, contemporary defenders of John Piper are scouring the Puritans and Reformed theologians past and present desperately trying to find something, anything that might sound a little bit like what John Piper is saying.

It is simply incredible that some have attempted to defend Piper by claiming we have taken him out of context while at the same time citing other solid Reformed Theologians like Michael Horton, Francis Turretin and John Calvin, among others, out of context in order to defend Piper. The attempts to redefine what Piper teaches so as to make him sound more orthodox while at the same time redefining what other Reformed Theologians have taught so as to make them sound more like Piper is either a mark of poor scholarship or dishonesty.  

Among the most common Reformed Theologians to be cited out of context is Francis Turretin to which Pastor Hines recommends the book Justification by Francis Turretin for an accurate analysis of his thought.

SRR 79 The California Public Education System and its War Against Christianity

Join Tim Shaughnessy in this week’s episode of Semper Reformanda Radio as he discusses the public education system and advocates for a better education option. Have you considered how anti-Christian the public education system really is? Are you aware of the new trends that are popping up in some schools which aim to indoctrinate your kids with the LGBT agenda?

Related to this podcast episode are several articles the listener is encouraged to read.

California school district says parents can’t pull kids from new LGBT sex ed

Orange Count Memo

Parkland Middle School Student Killed in Walkout

California Attack on Free Speech