Posts tagged Eucharistic Adoration
TDB 12 The Conversion of Cameron Bertuzzi, Part 1

In this episode, we identify the two main factors that contributed to the conversion of Cameron Bertuzzi to Roman Catholicism: the Eucharist and the Papacy. In this episode we provide evidence that the earliest writers took a metaphorical view of the “Bread of Life” narrative in John 6 and a symbolic view of the Last Supper institution narratives. In addition to rebutting several Roman Catholic arguments for the literal view, we also provide a scripturalist interpretation of John 6 by evaluating Jesus’ words in the immediate context of John 6, the expanded context of the harmonized loaves and fishes narrative, the broader context of the Four Gospel accounts of Jesus’ interaction with the Jews, and the fuller context of the Isaiah prophecy from Isaiah 55:1-4. Continued analysis of the Roman Catholic arguments for the literal view of the Real Presence will continue in Episodes 2 & 3.

Debating the Eucharist // Cameron Bertuzzi vs. Matt Fradd

3 Very Important Updates

Cameron Bertuzzi CONVERTS to Catholicism (Here's how it happened)

TDB 4 The Conversions of Jeff Cavins and Dr. Joseph Johnson

In this episode, we analyze the conversion testimonies of Jeff Cavins, former nondenominational pastor who reverted back to Roman Catholicism, and Dr. Joseph Johnson, a former Presbyterian minister. Both men related a dramatic experience with the Eucharist, each thinking that he had encountered an ancient apostolic truth. Neither realized that the “ancient apostolic” liturgy he encountered was actually a novelty of the latter part of the fourth century, and some of the “ancient” practices Jeff Cavins rediscovered actually originated in the 5th and 11th centuries. In both cases, they thought they were returning to the teachings of the early church fathers, and believed that by becoming Roman Catholics, they were finally “deep in history.” As we point out in this episode, both were still quite shallow in their knowledge of history—which is a prerequisite for converting to Rome.