We read and answer a listener’s question about how we can maintain that the 4th Beast of Daniel 7 reveals to us a 13-way division of the Roman empire. We raise four points in response:
Daniel did not say that the Little Horn removed 3 of the 10 horns;
Daniel only describes the final configuration of the first four empires, just as each was about to transition to the next;
The Scriptures show that the Little Horn could not have removed 3 horns after Daniel’s description of the 4th beast, and therefore the 3 horns must have been removed in advance; and
The Aramaic has no formal “past perfect” tense, such that “past perfect” must be determined by context.
The Verbal System of the Aramaic of Daniel.pdf
Council of Rome, 382 AD:
Therefore first is the seat at the Roman church of the apostle Peter 'having no spot or wrinkle or any other [defect]'. However the second place was given in the name of blessed Peter to Mark his disciple and gospel-writer at Alexandria, and who himself wrote down the word of truth directed by Peter the apostle in Egypt and gloriously consummated [his life] in martyrdom. Indeed the third place is held at Antioch of the most blessed and honourable apostle Peter, who lived there before he came to Roma and where first the name of the new race of the Christians was heard.
Pope Gregory, Epistle XL To Eulogius, Bishop of Alexandria:
Wherefore though there are many apostles, yet with regard to the principality itself the See of the Prince of the apostles alone has grown strong in authority, which in three places is the See of one. For he himself exalted the See in which he deigned even to rest and end the present life. He himself adorned the See to which he sent his disciple as evangelist. He himself established the See in which, though he was to leave it, he sat for seven years. Since then it is the See of one, and one See, over which by Divine authority three bishops now preside…
Catholic Encyclopedia, Patriarch and Patriarchate:
The oldest canon law admitted only three bishops as having what later ages called patriarchal rights — the Bishops of Rome, Alexandria, and Antioch. The successor of St. Peter as a matter of course held the highest place and combined in his own person all dignities. He was not only bishop, but metropolitan, primate, and patriarch; Metropolitan of the Roman Province, Primate of Italy, and first of the patriarchs. As soon as a hierarchy was organized among bishops, the chief authority and dignity were retained by the Bishop of Rome.
"How a Charlie Brown Christmas Almost Wasn't" by Jennings Brown, New York Magazine, November 16, 2016.
"Soldier's letters bring first world war Christmas truce to life" by Caroline Davies, The Guardian, December 23, 2015.
“OF COURSE: Vatican 'Inclusive Capitalism' Project is Run by Ford Foundation” https://bigleaguepolitics.com/of-course-vatican-inclusive-capitalism-project-is-run-by-ford-foundation-rockefeller-foundation-united-nations-and-a-rothschild/
The New York Times: Walter E. Williams, 84, Dies; Conservative Economist on Black Issues
Townhall.com Walter Williams page
Foundation for Economic Education: A review of Walter E. Williams' book Do the Right Thing by John W. Robbins
In this episode we identify the 1,263 1/2 day period from the beginning of the Witnesses’ preaching, death, resurrection and ascension and the 42 month trampling of the Jerusalem by the Gentiles. The duration of the Witnesses’ preaching, death, resurrection and ascension in Jerusalem lasted from from 3 PM on the day of preparation for the Feast of Tabernacles in 63 AD until 3 AM six days before Passover in 67 AD. The 42-month trampling of the city by the Gentiles lasted from the 7th of Iyar in 67 AD—when the Roman invasion of Galilee began, forcing the population of Galilee to flee to Jerusalem—until the 7th of Elul in 70 AD, the last day of the war.
Josephus, Wars of the Jews
Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews
Tacitus, Histories
The link to John Robbins' Trinity Review "The Religious Wars of the 21st Century" http://www.trinityfoundation.org/journal.php?id=226
In this episode, we evaluate 5 mistakes that are typically made regarding the time period and identity of the Two Witnesses: 1 historical, 3 exegetical and 1 translational. With those mistakes corrected, the Two Witnesses are identified.
The Democrats are the party of Rum, Romanism and Rebellion, and this can be seen in their attempt to steal the 2020 Presidential election.
See John F. Kennedy’s speech before the Greater Houston Ministerial Association:
What on earth is a crack-up boom and why should I care? If you asked these questions, then this episode is for you! In this episode, Ron Paul and Chris Rossini explain what a crack-up boom and why we are heading for one.
If you’d like to listen to the entire Ron Paul Liberty Report episode I referred to in this podcast, here’s the link:
Carlos, Tim, and Hiram discuss whether it’s appropriate for Christians to vote for non-Christians, Trump, or Biden; how to avoid gagging at gnats while swallowing camels; discernment and the media; the 2020 presidential debates and town halls; the Supreme Court and Amy Coney Barrett; China; the Coronavirus COVID-19; and more!
From Tim:
The leftist media and politicians want you to believe that Trump is a racist but that is a lie. Unfortunately, I’ve seen lots of people level this charge because they believe the lie. Most of this stems from Charlottesville. Critics say he referred to white supremacists and neo-Nazis as “very fine people.” It’s hard to believe that people are still spreading that lie.
Here is an honest breakdown of the Charlottesville speech:
Here is the original clip so you can fact-check it for yourself:
During the presidential debate, Trump was asked to condemn white supremacists and militia groups and as the question was being asked, he, without hesitation, said, “Sure.”
Folks, that is a condemnation!
He then said, “Sure, I’m willing to do that,” and drew attention to the reality that mob violence in the cities primarily comes from Antifa and the radical left. He later said, “What do you want me to call them? Give me a name.”
While Trump was trying to engage honestly, the “moderator” Chris Wallace and Biden were playing gotcha. He got sidetracked because of the dishonesty in the question.
First, the question carried the assumption that he hasn’t already and repeatedly condemned white supremacy. Here is a montage of him doing just that:
Secondly, the question carried the assumption that the violence is being perpetrated by the far right. That’s what Trump took issue with and unfortunately got sidetracked.
Here is what an honest moderate would have said:
“Mr. Biden, we’ve heard Trump repeatedly condemn white supremacists, neo-Nazis and the KKK. Trump has gone so far as to designate the KKK as a terrorist organization. Yet, you have falsely accused him of not condemning these groups while also pushing the Charlottesville lie repeatedly and have not been willing to condemn Antifa and the radical left. Are you willing to stop lying about your opponent and condemn Antifa?”
That would have been an honest, appropriate question to ask, but what is a political hack like Wallace to do?
You should also remember that while Trump has gone to great lengths to condemn these hateful groups it was Biden who said Antifa is an idea, not an organization. And he got away with it!
+ https://ivoterguide.com/my-ballot
+ Trump Plans to Designate Antifa, KKK as ‘Terrorist Organizations,” https://link.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/trump-plan-to-designate-antifa-kkk-as-terrorist-organizations_3514620.html
+ Why We Need the Electoral College - Tara Ross, https://youtu.be/jG8yFCtwP4c
+ https://m.facebook.com/watch/?v=648978979100083&_rdr
Tim and Hiram talk about whether or not Christians should be supporting Black Lives Matter. Of course both the host believe that black lives do matter because black people are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God. Tune in to find out why they take issue with the organization and the support it receives from Christians.
First, it must be contented that the only worldview that can give any meaning to the claim that black lives matter is the Christian worldview. Yet, the BLM organization and it’s leaders are operating from an anti-Christian cultural Marxist worldview. They promote deceptive lies such as white privilege, white guilt, and redefine terms.
The notions of “white privilege” and “white guilt” commit the fallacy of sweeping generalization and are actually rooted in Anti-Christian Marxist ideology that is meant to divide people into classes of oppressed and oppressor.
The idea that white people don’t see it because they are white commits the genetic fallacy.
There is no epistemological foundation by which one can establish the premise of white privilege or white guilt. If one wishes to appeal to a limited set of particular examples in order to substantiate these generalizations then they are committing the fallacy of induction.
Therefore, they are merely assertions that are grounded in fallacious reasoning which consequently result in an indictment of a whole group of people on the basis of their skin color.
As Christians we should have a Christian worldview. Christianity is a system of truth and the Bible alone is its objective standard. This means that as Christians we should be able to reason with each other and arrive at the same conclusions. It greatly concerns us that this is not happening amongst Christian brothers and sisters over this current cultural crisis. Instead of turning to God’s word many in the church are turning to Anti-Christian Marxist ideology. They are embracing what has become known as cultural Marxism.
See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ. - Colossians 2:8
WARNING: We lament that we can no longer recommend the Old Paths Christian Church in El Paso, TX due to the spirit of Diotrephes, a reviling church tyrant (3 John 9-11), that has taken over the entirety of the church’s leadership and is manipulating the church with false accusations against us. See Our Departure from Old Paths Christian Church and contact us for more information:
I wrote something to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to be first among them, does not acknowledge us. Therefore, if I come, I will call attention to the deeds he is doing—the bringing of unjustified charges against us with evil words! And not being content with that, he not only refuses to welcome the brothers himself, but hinders the people who want to do so and throws them out of the church! Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. The one who does good is of God; the one who does evil has not seen God. (3 John 9-11)
This is a Reformed Baptist study on the Westminster Larger Catechism, Question 40, held at the Old Paths Christian Church on 6 January 2020. Topics include Christology and the Trinity; ancient creeds and councils; Nestorianism and other ancient heresies; Greek philosophy, essentialism, realism, metaphysics and existence; Roman Catholic teaching; the problem of the one and the many; and more!
Q. 40. Why was it requisite that the Mediator should be God and man in one person?
A. It was requisite that the Mediator, who was to reconcile God and man, should himself be both God and man, and this in one person, that the proper works of each nature might be accepted of God for us,t and relied on by us, as the works of the whole person.u (t) Matt 1:21,23; Matt 3:17; Heb 9:14 (u) 1 Pet 2:6
“Human nature, therefore, although endowed with intelligence and will, may be, and in fact is, in the person of Christ impersonal. That it is so is the plain doctrine of Scripture, for the Son of God, a divine person, assumed a perfect human nature, and, nevertheless, remains one person.” (Charles Hodge, Systematic Theology, https://www.ccel.org/ccel/hodge/theology2.html)
+Bruce Shelley, Church History in Plain Language, Fourth Edition Zondervan Academic, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00GCG55EM/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_awdb_t1_x_V8cfEbQNFNPY7
+J.N.D. Kelly, Early Christian Doctrines: Revised Edition, https://www.amazon.com/dp/006064334X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_YBnNEbZ1WRQ8W
Roger Olson, The Story of Christian Theology: Twenty Centuries of Tradition & Reform, https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/372001517
+The Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant Theology: A Comparison Between Seventeenth-Century Particular Baptist and Paedobaptist Federalism [Revised Edition] by Pascal Denault, https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23827777
+Gordon H. Clark, “Atheism,” http://www.trinityfoundation.org/journal.php?id=50
+Gordon H. Clark, The Trinity, http://www.trinitylectures.org/trinity-the-p-78.html; and The Incarnation, http://www.trinitylectures.org/incarnation-the-p-92.html
WARNING: We lament that we can no longer recommend the Old Paths Christian Church in El Paso, TX due to the spirit of Diotrephes, a reviling church tyrant (3 John 9-11), that has taken over the entirety of the church’s leadership and is manipulating the church with false accusations against us. See Our Departure from Old Paths Christian Church and contact us for more information:
I wrote something to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to be first among them, does not acknowledge us. Therefore, if I come, I will call attention to the deeds he is doing—the bringing of unjustified charges against us with evil words! And not being content with that, he not only refuses to welcome the brothers himself, but hinders the people who want to do so and throws them out of the church! Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. The one who does good is of God; the one who does evil has not seen God. (3 John 9-11)
This is a Reformed Baptist study on the Westminster Larger Catechism, Question 39, held at the Old Paths Christian Church on 30 December 2019. We covered a myriad of topics including Christology, salvation, Covenant Theology, Dispensationalism, Adam and Even, Moral Law, the Covenant of Works and the works principle, the law/gospel distinction, final judgment, sanctification, the flesh, and more!
Q. 39. Why was it requisite that the Mediator should be man?
A. It was requisite that the Mediator should be man, that he might advance our nature,n perform obedience to the law,o suffer and make intercession for us in our nature,p have a fellow feeling of our infirmities;q that we might receive the adoption of sons,r and have comfort and access with boldness unto the throne of grace.s (n) Heb 2:16; 2 Pet 1:4 (o) Gal 4:4; Matt 5:17; Rom 5:19; Phil 2:8 (p) Heb 2:14; Heb 7:24-25 (q) Heb 4:15 (r) Gal 4:5 (s) Heb 4:16
+Carlos Montijo and Tim Shaughnessy, “SRR 85 The Covenant of Works & New Covenant Theology, Part I,” Semper Reformanda Radio, https://thorncrownministries.com/srr/2018/6/24/srr-85-the-covenant-of-works-new-covenant-theology-part-1.
+____“SRR 86 The Covenant of Works & New Covenant Theology, Part II,” https://thorncrownministries.com/srr/2018/7/15/srr-86-a-biblical-defense-for-the-covenant-of-works-part-2.
+Carlos Montijo, “When Protestants Err on the Side of Rome: John Piper, “Final Salvation,” and the Decline and Fall of Sola Fide at the Last Day,” https://thorncrownministries.com/blog/2018/5/6/john-piper-final-salvation-and-the-decline-and-fall-of-sola-fide-part-i
+Martin Luther, The Bondage of the Will, https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/254994425
+Paul Washer, “Being What You Are: Having Too Low a View of Regeneration - Romans 6,” https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=428082310290
+The Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant Theology: A Comparison Between Seventeenth-Century Particular Baptist and Paedobaptist Federalism [Revised Edition] by Pascal Denault, https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23827777
+Hodge's Commentary on Romans 5, http://www.reformed.org/books/romans/rom_5b_hodge.html
+Richard Barcellos, Getting the Garden Right, https://press.founders.org/shop/getting-the-garden-right/
WARNING: We lament that we can no longer recommend the Old Paths Christian Church in El Paso, TX due to the spirit of Diotrephes, a reviling church tyrant (3 John 9-11), that has taken over the entirety of the church’s leadership and is manipulating the church with false accusations against us. See Our Departure from Old Paths Christian Church and contact us for more information:
I wrote something to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to be first among them, does not acknowledge us. Therefore, if I come, I will call attention to the deeds he is doing—the bringing of unjustified charges against us with evil words! And not being content with that, he not only refuses to welcome the brothers himself, but hinders the people who want to do so and throws them out of the church! Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. The one who does good is of God; the one who does evil has not seen God. (3 John 9-11)
Ryan Denton leads a study on the Sabbath from the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith for the Old Paths Christian Church on 5 November 2018. This is the first of a series of studies based on the 1689 London Baptist Confession and Westminster Larger Catechism.
Chapter 22: Of Religious Worship and the Sabbath Day
6. Neither prayer nor any other part of religious worship, is now under the gospel, tied unto, or made more acceptable by any place in which it is performed, or towards which it is directed; but God is to be worshipped everywhere in spirit and in truth;w as in private familiesx daily,y and in secret each one by himself;z so more solemnly in the public assemblies, which are not carelessly nor wilfully to be neglected or forsaken, when God by His word or providence calleth thereto.a' (w) John 4:21; Mal 1:11; 1 Tim 2:8 (x) Acts 10:2 (y) Matt 6:11; Ps 55:17 (z) Matt 6:6 (a') Heb 10:25; Acts 2:42
7. As it is the law of nature, that in general a proportion of time, by God's appointment, be set apart for the worship of God, so by His Word, in a positive moral, and perpetual commandment, binding all men, in all ages, He hath particularly appointed one day in seven for a sabbath to be kept holy unto Him,b' which from the beginning of the world to the resurrection of Christ was the last day of the week, and from the resurrection of Christ was changed into the first day of the week, which is called the Lord's Day: c' and is to be continued to the end of the world as a Christian Sabbath, the observation of the last day of the week being abolished. (b') Exod 20:8 (c') 1 Cor 16:1-2; Acts 20:7; Rev 1:10
8. The sabbath is then kept holy unto the Lord, when men, after a due preparing of their hearts, and ordering their common affairs aforehand, do not only observe an holy rest all day, from their own works, words and thoughts, about their worldly employment and recreations,d' but are also taken up the whole time in the public and private exercises of His worship, and in the duties of necessity and mercy. e' (d') Isa 58:13; Neh 13:15-22 (e') Matt 12:1-13
+Sam Waldron, The Lord's Day: Its Presuppositions, Proofs, Precedents, and Practice, https://www.chapellibrary.org/book/lday/the-lords-day:-its-presuppositions,-proofs,-precedents,-and-practice
+Richard C. Barcellos, Getting the Garden Right: Adam’s Work and God’s Rest in Light of Christ, https://press.founders.org/shop/getting-the-garden-right/
+Richard C. Barcellos, “Exodus 16 and the Sabbath,” http://www.rbap.net/1821-2/
Carlos and Tim discuss James White’s recent defense of Doug Wilson over against R. Scott Clark; warn against Jason Petersen and Messianic Jewish Ministries; and continue the series on John Piper’s view of final salvation based on the articles, When Protestants Err on the Side of Rome: John Piper, “Final Salvation,” and the Decline and Fall of Sola Fide at the Last Day. They resume Part 2 of the article with:
Fatal Flaw #6: Deadening the Resurrection
- https://www.aomin.org/aoblog/2020/01/28/cruise-details-joe-biden-tim-keller/
- http://www.vatican.va/archive/ccc_css/archive/catechism/p3s1c3a2.htm
Soul Sleep: An Unbiblical Doctrine https://www.amazon.com/dp/1795751495/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_UZuPDbVAD7DR6